Saturday, November 13

Cool Shirt: Weasley is Our King

Weasley is our King,
Weasley is our King,
He didn't let the Quaffle in
Weasley is our King.
Weasley can save anything,
He never leaves a single ring,
That's why Gryffindors all sing:
Weasley is our King.
Show your Harry Potter spirit by sporting this shirt!

Buy the shirt here!

Concept Shirt: Pokemon Pokeball

This concept shirt hasn't yet been printed anywhere, though the artist has received some respectable interest for it. We all had those Pokemon cards that we played and traded with, though we had no real idea of the rules of the game. And who could forget those amazing Game Boy games? Pokemon Silver, those were three hundred hours of my life in which not a second was wasted.

Funny Shirt: Cookie Monster Pac-Man

This funny shirt takes out your traditional Pac-Man to incorporate a little more Sesame Street. You'll never play Pac-Man the same, as you imagine the Cookie Monster gobbling up 'pellets' and feeding his fattening cookie addiction.
Buy the shirt here!

Funny Shirt: Stop Animal Testing!

This funny shirt lets everyone know that you're against animal testing!
It's really not fair. I barely know my algebra, how do they expect a dog to be able to perform advanced mathematics? It's just cruel and inhumane. If you insist on testing them, at least make it something like a race or barking the National Anthem.
Buy the shirt here!

Funny Shirt: The Meaning of Life

Oh, what's that? You want to learn what the meaning of life is from a shirt? Oh, well, luckily enough I happen to be wearing something that can sate that thirst for knowledge!
The meaning of life is, quite simply...oh, hey, what's that over there?
Buy the shirt here!